
Robust Steam Batteries

Robust Steam Batteries

Seven robust steam batteries will soon be installed in the chimney of a Flemish incinerator, replacing an older unit that broke down after 20 years of service. With operating temperatures reaching 420°C, the lifetime of these batteries is a very crucial element indeed.
Warm water tank with heat exchanger

Warm water tank with heat exchanger

For our client in the food sector, our partner JointSteel built a hot water tank that was combined with a heat exchanger made by Timmerman EHS.
Replacement of swimming pool heater plate stack

Replacement of swimming pool heater plate stack

Our client experienced problems with his swimming pool heating. This was caused by a leaking plate heat exchanger because of wear and tear to the plates. We replaced the plate stack, and the plate heat exchanger is now working again and free from leaks.
Designing a full energy recovery system model

Designing a full energy recovery system model

In conjunction with Cenerpro, the University of Ghent and with subsidies from the Flemish government, Timmerman EHS conducted a lab-based research project to create a thermal model that can be used to design a full energy recovery system model.