Timmerman Together for Safety and Wellbeing

Maandelijkse bijeenkomst van de STAV-werkgroep, waar medewerkers samenwerken aan veiligheids- en welzijnsthema's.

STAV stands for ‘Samen Timmeren Aan Veiligheid & Welzijn’ in Dutch (Timmerman Together for Safety and Wellbeing) and the internal working group consists of employees who meet every month to tackle issues raised by their colleagues. The group members represent our various divisions of office, site and workshop employees, who can use the ‘STAV notes’ system to raise topics, submit improvement suggestions and highlight worrying issues.

Werknemers in veiligheidskleding aan het werk bij Timmerman EHS, onderdeel van het STAV-veiligheidsprogramma.

The members of the group represent our various divisions of office, site and workshop employees and they tackle topics submitted through the ‘STAV notes’ system. This enables colleagues to submit proposals for improvement, or raise topics of concern to them.

A constructive conversation partner

The STAV system is completely independent. Its primary objective is to facilitate constructive dialogue with company management and the health & safety department in order to drive ongoing positive change that benefits everyone. Timmerman EHS sets aside a fixed annual budget to fund the necessary working hours, specific purchases and initiatives that are implemented.

Veiligheidsinformatie moment voor het personeel bij Timmerman EHS, georganiseerd door de STAV-werkgroep.
Witte haakjes

Timmerman Together for Safety and Wellbeing



The achievements of the STAV working group include the monthly STAV drinks, various initiatives relating to welding fume extraction, finding new and more comfortable work clothing, more communication channels – such as via screens – in the workplace, organising targeted training courses, various campaigns to raise awareness, signage in the workplace and rear-view cameras in company vehicles, to name just a few.

De STAV-werkgroep fungeert als constructieve gesprekspartner voor de bedrijfsleiding en preventiedienst bij Timmerman EHS.